Monday, April 11, 2011

Who is Jerry Parnis?

See, it even has a picture of her.
Why can I not find more information about her
and her dresses?

Advance 7065 is an American Designer pattern and the designed of the pattern is Jerry Parnis. 

My search has uncovered that she is the sister of designer Mollie Parnis  (who is quite well known and there is a good deal of information about her), and the sister of Peggy Parnis, a lingerie designer.  She was married to Ben Cahane and worked under the label of Jerry Parnis, Incorporated which manufactured moderately priced dresses.

There must be more information out there but I cannot find it.  I would love to see more of the designs she created.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A 1959 newspaper interview with her can be found at this link
(also has photos of dresses. Try Google images - search term -Jerry Parnis dress. She also seems to have been rebranded quite a bit - e.g. Miss Martini by Jerry Parnis and Silyouette dresses, based on a TV design! (See )
Good luck with your research!

KM (retired librarian)